Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thoughts from Day 1

So yesterday was the first day of the P90X program. Jenny and I did the Chest & Back workout along with Ab Ripper X. I can't really speak for her but I got worked! I started feeling a little bit nauseous about half way through the second round of the Chest/Back workout. Due to the fact I didn't really know what I was in for, I pushed it hard the first round and suffered through the second round.

The Ab Ripper X is not pleasant at all. I was in real pain and was literally angry after the first exercise. If the entire routine is completed as prescribed, it's a minimum of 341 ab movements in about 16 minutes. The people doing the exercises on the video look like they are professional athletes or something. They all have 6-pack abs and even THEY are really hurting after it's over.

Needless to say, I didn't complete it as prescribed. I did notice, however, that Jenny was able to keep up with them a little better than me. I used to keep my abs tight when running, but apparently just keeping them tight in one position provides NO help when it comes to range of motion exercises. Not looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. Today is the Plyometrics workout and, from what I've read, is about the hardest workout. I can't wait!

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