Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 10 - Staying Strong

Today was the second week of the Shoulders & Arms workout + Ab Ripper this time. All in all, I've felt much better this week than last. I definitely know I've been working out once it gets to the next day but I'm not having trouble doing normal things because of soreness. Last Thursday, I had to skip Ab Ripper because my hip flexors were so sore from Plyo X that I couldn't hold my legs up. I still wasn't able to complete the Ab Ripper as prescribed tonight but I'm making progress. I make it through but I have to take some breaks throughout.

Good news: I do think I'm starting to see some results from the work so far... I got a flexible measuring tape so I'll do some stats.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 5 - Wow

Remember when I said that the Shoulders & Arms was the most doable workout? Forget that. I was in so much pain after the workout that I woke up about 10 times during the night. Every time I moved, I woke up. I couldn't touch my hand to my head or face. I couldn't towel-dry my hair. I couldn't wipe my face with a napkin. We're talking PAIN. Someone at work kind of knocked me on the arm with their fist to say hello. Holy hell, I started sweating it hurt so much.... Not good!

So yesterday was 90 minutes of yoga using some tricepts that can't even contract beyond 90 degrees. It was so painful for the first half, I really thought I was going to have to just hang it up. All power for the first 45 minutes. Luckily, the last half was more about balance and finally gave my aching tricepts a rest. I actually think I will enjoy Yoga X once I can actually use my arms during it. Hopefully this one will get easier as time goes on.

Today was Legs/Back. I really thought today was going to be the easiest workout of all of them for me. Not so much. We did a lot of pullups again - I think I did around 75 total today. And we also did a ton of crap to work the legs. I haven't sweat more so far than this one. They call Plyo X 'The Beast'. Not close to this. We'll see what the soreness is tomorrow for the comparison...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 3 - Ouch

Yesterday was the Plyometrics workout. The instructor says that this is the hardest workout of the series. I can't say I disagree. I actually felt great after the workout. It was tough, don't get me wrong, but I distinctly remember a feeling of accomplishment and a bit of those endorphins kicking. Today, however, all of those feelings of happiness are completely gone. It HURTS to get out of a chair. My legs aren't sore at all but my hips feel like I've never used them before then decided to climb Mt. Everest. They are so tight that sometimes when i stand up fast, I see spots. It's very painful. Much more so than even after I finished the Goofy. Jenny is hurting too. We hobble around like we're 90.

Tonight was the Shoulders & Arms workout. I have to say it was tough, but the most doable of the series so far. I was struggling through parts of it, but overall I thought it was a good intensity. As I type this about 2 hours after my workout, I can already feel that my tricepts and shoulders will be a bit sore tomorrow. I foresee it being similar to Wednesday when it hurt to eat a sandwich. Greaaaaaat.....

We also decided to bag Ab Ripper X today. Basically because of the state of our hips, we wouldn't be able to hold our legs up for more than 1 second (not exaggerating), so since you have to hold them up for 16 minutes, it wouldn't really be that productive. We'll make it up this weekend though....

Tomorrow is Yoga X, so hopefully that will work out some of the creakiness. We'll see!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thoughts from Day 1

So yesterday was the first day of the P90X program. Jenny and I did the Chest & Back workout along with Ab Ripper X. I can't really speak for her but I got worked! I started feeling a little bit nauseous about half way through the second round of the Chest/Back workout. Due to the fact I didn't really know what I was in for, I pushed it hard the first round and suffered through the second round.

The Ab Ripper X is not pleasant at all. I was in real pain and was literally angry after the first exercise. If the entire routine is completed as prescribed, it's a minimum of 341 ab movements in about 16 minutes. The people doing the exercises on the video look like they are professional athletes or something. They all have 6-pack abs and even THEY are really hurting after it's over.

Needless to say, I didn't complete it as prescribed. I did notice, however, that Jenny was able to keep up with them a little better than me. I used to keep my abs tight when running, but apparently just keeping them tight in one position provides NO help when it comes to range of motion exercises. Not looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. Today is the Plyometrics workout and, from what I've read, is about the hardest workout. I can't wait!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 0: Preparation

I've been working to acquire the necessary tools for the P90X 90 day workout routine. Planned start date is March 3, 2009 which will get me to completion on May 31, 10 days prior to my first trip to the beach. I need to get a pull up bar and dumbbells this week. I also want to watch a few of the workouts and make sure we'll have enough room and weights for the program.