Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 3 - Ouch

Yesterday was the Plyometrics workout. The instructor says that this is the hardest workout of the series. I can't say I disagree. I actually felt great after the workout. It was tough, don't get me wrong, but I distinctly remember a feeling of accomplishment and a bit of those endorphins kicking. Today, however, all of those feelings of happiness are completely gone. It HURTS to get out of a chair. My legs aren't sore at all but my hips feel like I've never used them before then decided to climb Mt. Everest. They are so tight that sometimes when i stand up fast, I see spots. It's very painful. Much more so than even after I finished the Goofy. Jenny is hurting too. We hobble around like we're 90.

Tonight was the Shoulders & Arms workout. I have to say it was tough, but the most doable of the series so far. I was struggling through parts of it, but overall I thought it was a good intensity. As I type this about 2 hours after my workout, I can already feel that my tricepts and shoulders will be a bit sore tomorrow. I foresee it being similar to Wednesday when it hurt to eat a sandwich. Greaaaaaat.....

We also decided to bag Ab Ripper X today. Basically because of the state of our hips, we wouldn't be able to hold our legs up for more than 1 second (not exaggerating), so since you have to hold them up for 16 minutes, it wouldn't really be that productive. We'll make it up this weekend though....

Tomorrow is Yoga X, so hopefully that will work out some of the creakiness. We'll see!

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