Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 5 - Wow

Remember when I said that the Shoulders & Arms was the most doable workout? Forget that. I was in so much pain after the workout that I woke up about 10 times during the night. Every time I moved, I woke up. I couldn't touch my hand to my head or face. I couldn't towel-dry my hair. I couldn't wipe my face with a napkin. We're talking PAIN. Someone at work kind of knocked me on the arm with their fist to say hello. Holy hell, I started sweating it hurt so much.... Not good!

So yesterday was 90 minutes of yoga using some tricepts that can't even contract beyond 90 degrees. It was so painful for the first half, I really thought I was going to have to just hang it up. All power for the first 45 minutes. Luckily, the last half was more about balance and finally gave my aching tricepts a rest. I actually think I will enjoy Yoga X once I can actually use my arms during it. Hopefully this one will get easier as time goes on.

Today was Legs/Back. I really thought today was going to be the easiest workout of all of them for me. Not so much. We did a lot of pullups again - I think I did around 75 total today. And we also did a ton of crap to work the legs. I haven't sweat more so far than this one. They call Plyo X 'The Beast'. Not close to this. We'll see what the soreness is tomorrow for the comparison...

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